why am i out mcstallen!...?
I don got alot to sae to ju McStallen.
Ju keepen me in dark an mostly of your plans
an i sorry i bumpen ju arm in sudan- i sweare i don do that en purpose. and that was that. but now i'm out. for that- why am i out?
Ju say ju alwas taken me care of McStallen but ju ever thinken about that? ju ever juance thinken about that? sending juan off to do this!
senden juan off to do that. senden juan to bomb micky mouses' night club
or send juan pick uping sr. roberto at the airport.
i your writing handman and i got passover for carlos mcgelboim
this no is the way I wanted it. i handle thins- i smart- no like everyone sayen- no dumb- i smart and i wan respecten!
my pleasure,
Juan Boca
Ju keepen me in dark an mostly of your plans
an i sorry i bumpen ju arm in sudan- i sweare i don do that en purpose. and that was that. but now i'm out. for that- why am i out?
Ju say ju alwas taken me care of McStallen but ju ever thinken about that? ju ever juance thinken about that? sending juan off to do this!
senden juan off to do that. senden juan to bomb micky mouses' night club
or send juan pick uping sr. roberto at the airport.
i your writing handman and i got passover for carlos mcgelboim
this no is the way I wanted it. i handle thins- i smart- no like everyone sayen- no dumb- i smart and i wan respecten!
my pleasure,
Juan Boca
You're nothing to me now Juan. You're not a brother-in-arms, and you're not a friend. I don't want to know you or what you do -- I don't want to see you at the McStallen training compound -- I don't ever want to do another operation with you -- when you pick an assignment, I want to know in advance, so I don't go on it too -- you understand?
And Juan, When the hell did I ever ask you to bomb Micky Mouse's night club? I hope you're not referring to that little misunderstanding I had with the security guard at EuroDisneyLand- because I never asked you to help me, and I never asked you to start shooting- that was your call, and that priest's blood is on your hands pal!
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