Thursday, June 02, 2005

LAtes updike

Frends an readers alike,

congraulations on readen my lates updike an the good news it cuntanes. firstly, i haf ridden of the robber donut and i can sitten on ground nowadays. on the second, mcstallen is walken without the crcuh an he says he will rite the nex post but that eye can keep riten sumtimes becawse my englis is geten more better.

mcstallen is goen to molly to be honoured at a mercenary convenshun. he thinks he will get award for accomplished acheevements. he come back froum chad and then do the righten agains. hoap fully we haf pictures of convenshun in next posten

rodrigo has to starten wrestlnig camp in poconose mountain an i am tren to go an vizit when i can find the poconose on the map . i wantes go to camp an cheer rodrigo on buy the yellen go rodrigo go rodrigo go rodrigo go vamanos

as for the work to be doen myself, wel i can esplain them work to ju. i am trabbled to alergies to meet with alergian guvernmen about security trainen for forces in north africa. this is pritty safe job becawse they don have to much troubl in alergies times in the recent anyway. the frenches was en troubl in 1960s after they had to leaf indochina [veeyetnom now] becawse in dienbienfu in 1954 agains vietmin they losen and then they allergies kicked them outwen right in the 60s. an now the frenches don have nothing, not even french economys is good becawse all french's worken 30 howres a week and taken 15 weeks of vacashun a year so not alot of work geting done by them lazy frenches. but don tell them that becawse tay are prowd and deloushunal an haf lossed the tuch with realitor. an now sr. chicekn comes home to ruest becawse thay make euro but now no can compeat wit chepe labor in easern uripe like the checks an the slobs. ah the free markut is the bad four the frenchen. an i say theay can shuv the aerobus up the butt. this is family blog. i shudn have said that. lo siento. but ju get my driff
oh an now other man (se llama Marc) rite blog hisself and i lincoln it as a favour

my pleasure,
Juan Boca


Anonymous Anonymous said...

F U Boca.

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do ju go humpen som of ricky beltrans torpical fish chica?. i don nede this an i will be dammd if you going taken away rodrigo jus becawse i was admitten to beaten him in 1998. and don ju uze the chicao name in my house esse. i noe ju are a frenchenmen angry at my esplainnen farren politicks

my pleasure,
Juan Boca

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When's Rodrigo turn 18? Not soon enough I guess

5:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why don ju go boblen punts in the CFL you mijet. I don nede ju tellen me how to go and bringen up mis ninos. i don a grate job with jus me. Is ju don know?

My pleasure

12:18 AM  

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