Friday, May 06, 2005

McStallen's Mailbag of Death

Hello everyone. I am still holed up in an undisclosed location in the Congo. It looks like that nasty little incident in Cabinda has all but blown over, and I should be headed out of the region in a few days. I shall use this opportunity to answer some of the many e-mail questions I have received from my loyal readers over the past few months.

Junior writes, "McStallen, Do you regret anything you've done?"

Well Junior, some of the things I've done, man...Well I don't feel like I've done something wrong. Sometimes, though I get this bad feeling... But I told the padre the truth, I like being a mercenary. You get to do what you want, nobody messes with you. The only worry you got is dying. And if that happens you won't know about it anyway. So what the hell?

Sheldon L. writes, "I am an aging mercenary working through Mitch and Murray. I haven't worked in months and can't get any good leads. My leads are all weak- What should I do?"

You're name's Levine, right? You call yourself a mercenary, you son of a bitch? The leads are weak? You're weak! I've been in this business 50 years -the money's out here- you don't pick it up, I got no sympathy for you- you'll be shining my shoes. And I know one day you'll be some loser sitting in a bar saying, "Oh yeah, I used to be a mercenary. ..glub glub...It's a tough racket!"


Harris writes, "You're the boss, you're such a hero, you're so powerful and dangerous, Why do you waste your time writing a blog to a bunch of bums like me?"

I made $970,000 last year. How much you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't care. Good father? Screw you- go home and play with your kids!


Runelvys H. writes, "Hi McStallen. I am a young pitcher in major league baseball but I am wanting to leave because my team is not providing good run support. I am thinking of becoming international mercenary. What does it take to be mercenary?"

Runelvys, it takes brass balls to be a mercenary.



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