Security Detail in Cabinda
My oh my things went well enough in Cambodia that I was able to land another assignment very quickly through word-of-mouth alone. I have found myself in the Republic of Cabinda, working on a security detail for a European diamond exporter. Essentially, my team provides security for the workers and protects the perimeter from trespassers. There is a stream that runs across much of the land and often times trespassers will come during the night and attempt to draw water from it. Last night we caught two trespassers, gutted them like the pigs they are, and strung their bodies up on the concertina wire to deter future trespassing. We also strung some claymores up in the trees and ended up blowing a few more trespassers to pieces. Bad shit, man. Bad shit.

Me, second from left, activating one of the claymores. Ricky Beltran (far left) looks on gleefully
There are alot of local laborers working on this project. They should be happy to have work, and yet the laborers have quickly developed a reputation for being lazy and under-performing. We have been told by my boss to motivate the laborers to work better. If we identify a laborer who is working too slowly, we often fire our machine guns at them to let them know they ought to work better. Sometimes we will actually shoot and kill the under-performing laborer; although the dead laborer will no longer be able to work on the project, my boss feels the killing acts to motivate the surviving laborers to work much harder and the trade-off is well worth the loss of the laborer.

Here I am monitoring the productivity of the workers
Sometimes a few of the laborers have attempted to flee the work-site. They signed a contract to work on this project until it was completed, and anyone fleeing is in breach of the contract. My boss has told us we are to shoot anyone attempting to breach the contract, and although it is a bit of a subjective assessment, I think we have done a fine job implementing his orders to the best of our abilities. We have some restraints on this project and cannot kill with impunity; we can be docked up to a week's pay for an illegal killing.
At any rate things here are going well, but I have been extremely busy, and I shall have a sports update in a few days once I get caught up with everything.

Me, second from left, activating one of the claymores. Ricky Beltran (far left) looks on gleefully
There are alot of local laborers working on this project. They should be happy to have work, and yet the laborers have quickly developed a reputation for being lazy and under-performing. We have been told by my boss to motivate the laborers to work better. If we identify a laborer who is working too slowly, we often fire our machine guns at them to let them know they ought to work better. Sometimes we will actually shoot and kill the under-performing laborer; although the dead laborer will no longer be able to work on the project, my boss feels the killing acts to motivate the surviving laborers to work much harder and the trade-off is well worth the loss of the laborer.

Here I am monitoring the productivity of the workers
Sometimes a few of the laborers have attempted to flee the work-site. They signed a contract to work on this project until it was completed, and anyone fleeing is in breach of the contract. My boss has told us we are to shoot anyone attempting to breach the contract, and although it is a bit of a subjective assessment, I think we have done a fine job implementing his orders to the best of our abilities. We have some restraints on this project and cannot kill with impunity; we can be docked up to a week's pay for an illegal killing.
At any rate things here are going well, but I have been extremely busy, and I shall have a sports update in a few days once I get caught up with everything.
Compared to your profile photo, you appear 40 years younger in your recent pictures from Cabinda. How is that possible?
How is the night life in Cabinda? Being a mercenary during the day and a fantasy sports junkie at night might not leave much time to go out and socialize, but you'd think that every now and then you'd have to go out to one of the local watering holes and experience all Cabinda has to offer. Ricky Beltran looks as though he'd be a good wingman, he's pretty jovial about setting up claymore mines in the jungle.
Thanks for the compliment. Many people say I have the body of a twenty-year old. I jog every day, try not to eat past 6pm, and I don't smoke Buddha and can't stand Cess.
There's not much of a night-life in Cabinda, what with all the warfare and everything.
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